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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Tri Liverpool 2015 in Pictures...

 I covered Tri Liverpool a couple of weekends ago for client Whole Earth who were one of the sponsors of the event. Liverpool was looking good in the sun for the first few hours and then the rain came making conditions somewhat challenging for the athletes. I take my hat off to them all, being a particularly non-sporty (but I hasten to add, very fit) person - I could not have managed it in under five hours. However, I walked 18,000 steps while taking pictures that day according to my iPhone, which I was quite pleased with, and definitely aided by the peanut butter power balls that Whole Earth were handing out from their tent. 

Sunday 9 August 2015

Baby Emilio's Portrait Session...

Back in March I went to photograph my friend Antonia's gorgeous baby Emilio who, at the time, was two weeks old. Antonia wanted a record of him being really tiny, knowing that he would grow so quickly in the weeks following...and of course he did! Antonia and husband Aidan ordered a lovely portrait book of their favourite images for posterity. 


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